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April 22, 2010

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April 22, 2010 Empty April 22, 2010

Post  CJPSmith Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:42 am

Oops, forgot to weigh myself before breakfast... here are the post-pancake numbers, if it makes a difference.

6mm/7.5% (12mm)

Wow, seeing the data on the spreadsheet is just really revealing. It fully supports my hypothesis that out-of-control cheat days are wrecking my progress. Fortunately, if I can stay on target and keep things to ONE MEAL this week, and then get another good week in next week, I should hopefully be able to bust out past 7.3 percent.

Trying out St. John's Wort today, gonna see if it has a noticeable effect on my mood.

-no dips
+10 headstand levers per round

60 bar dips (broke these up into about three at a time. I tried getting all gung-ho and doing larger chunks, but that usually made me fatigue fast and have to rest longer.)

57:32 (did first three in 34:58, then had to go pick up my dad, so it doesn't really count)

CARDIO BLAST - The Battle of Helm's Deep
1hr bike while watching the final hour of The Two Towers
1) Whenever things get worse for the forces of good, increase resistance (e.g. when they blow up the wall, +3)
2) Whenever things get better for them, decrease (e.g. the elves show up with reinforcements, -2)
3) Scene breaks to the Entmoot are "rest" periods, reduce to 7 or so, but correspondingly the attack on Isengard has to be up around 12
~500 cal
~11 miles (I actually forgot to check)

1) apple-cinnamon protein pancake (2 packets equal), other half apple, green tea 8:15AM
2) chicken fajita mix, 7 strawberries 11AM
3) turkey burger, salad w/ balsamic vinegar 1:30PM
4) grilled chicken, same salad 4PM
5) protein shake 7PM


Posts : 121
Join date : 2010-03-20

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